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Open Mind IT does not provide any guarantee regarding the security of the website, neither relating to any virus or fraud by computer. The visitor should be aware of the fact that Internet use entails certain risks. Open Mind IT gives the greatest possible care in creating and updating this site. Nevertheless, it cannot be excluded that some information may not conform to reality. You are kindly requested to show understanding in this respect. The user is aware that any information, especially relating to products and services offered for sale, may be modified without prior notice. Open Mind IT declines any responsibility regarding the content of the site and its use.
If lines to other sites are opened, Open Mind IT may not under any circumstance be held responsible for the content and existence of other sites.Links to other sites
If you are offered links to other sites, these are for informative purposes only. You are advised when penetrating these sites, to carefully read the wording of their privacy stipulations. Open Mind IT cannot be held responsible for site content or for the practices of the owners or operators of these sites.